Part 72 – Mom Yelled at Me

Yesterday was my normal posting day. Mom kept telling me that we would do it later. She repeated that a number of times. She said she was busy finalizing the blurb and the acknowledgements for her new book. I didn’t care. I kept trying to remind her of how important my blog is to all of my followers. They count on me. So I sat on her keyboard; then I sharpened my claws on the corner of the loveseat; and lastly repeatedly pushed things off the fireplace mantel. That is when she yelled at me, so I sat on her keyboard again. What is a cat to do? All because she thought her blurb was more important than my blog. What do you think?

Finding Sarah Winters

It is Spring Break. Texas college students head to the sandy beaches. Sarah Winter is one of them. Now, however, she is not answering texts or calls. Her grandmother, Gloria Wilson, is terrified that something bad has happened. When the police don’t seem to want to help, Gloria turns to her neighbors. Was it a fluke when Mabel Schmidel and the Lady Detectives of the St James Apartments solved their first case? Can a group of 70, 80, and 90-year-old women find Sarah, and bring her home? They intend to try their very best.

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